How Much Does a Concrete Slab Cost – Nashville, TN

Our goal in this article is to provide you with as much information as possible about the cost of your concrete project. Below is a breakdown of an estimate for a residential concrete slab in five simple steps.

Example: 4” x 20’ x 30’ Broom Finish Concrete Slab.

1.) Concrete

  • 8 (cubic yards) * 180 (dollars per cubic yard) = $1,440
  • Why 8 cubic yards? Let’s break this down below.
  • 600 (square feet) * 0.33 (4 inches converted to feet) / 27 (conversion from ft^3 to yd^3) = 7.33 cubic yards
  • We cannot order 7.33 cubic yards of concrete, so we must round up to 8 cubic yards.

Depositphotos 5361041 l 2015 TriStar Concrete


2.) Gravel

  • Basic Gravel Calculation…
  • 8 (cubic yards) * 1.5 (tons per yard) * 20 (dollars per ton) + 150 (delivery) = $390


Skidsteer TriStar Concrete


3.) Equipment (Skidsteer)

  • 2 (days) * $350 (per day) = $700
Concrete 1 TriStar Concrete
Man leveling concrete slab

4.) Labor

  • 3 Carpenter/Finishers at $250 Per Day For 3 Days = $2,250

5.) Overhead / Profit

  • $4,780 (Project Cost) * 0.15 (15% of Project Cost) = $717
  • What is Overhead? Overhead is a total of all the costs that are required to keep a business up & running. Including: Gas, Insurance, Licenses, Bonds, CRM Software, Tools, Forming Material, Equipment Upkeep, & Marketing.

Project Total: $5,497